A friend has a Coleman hot tub from 1994 and the controller has failed. It’s a strange failure and I think I can modify the controller and add a hacked in a cheap Chinese temperature control module along with a switch to turn the jets on/off while still using 90% of the original control board.
In part 1 of 4 video I’m going to review the hot tub failure and a possible hack solution.
In part 2 of 4 video I setup a test rig and evaluate what is functional and reusable on the original control board. Then I test out an override hack that will let me control the defunct features using a simple 5 volt control line.
In part 3 of 4 video I test the final hacked hot tub control at the bench.
In part 4 of 4 video I test the hack in the hot tub and heat up the 300 gallon tub using my 2005 DIY Redneck Pool Heater from 72F to 104F in 50 minutes.
Link to my 2005 DIY Redneck Pool Heater
bigclivedotcom video I refer to in my video
Where I purchased my Chinese temperature control module
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In this video I show a few things to test before adding an “On The Air” LED indicator to a Kenwood TS-50 ham radio transmitter. I tested for the best brightness of the LED and lowest current using a ganged restore test box I built. The LED was then mounted in my Kenwood MC-60 desktop microphone.
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The buttons in my Kenwood TS-50S ham radio started falling out when the foam inside started getting old. The foam was the only thing holding the buttons in so I used jewelry repair rings from Michaels Store to clamp around the base of the buttons inside the bezel face plate which then holds the buttons in nicely yet lets them have full travel and good tactical feel.