Archive for June, 2015
This is the 2nd of 2 postings on my DeWALT DC011 radio repair (link to part 1). In this video I show how I track down a bad trace that was corroded by some old glue used in the radio to hold compactors in place. A quick jumper wire was all it took to fully restore this radio to working conditions.
This is a link to some “no clean” solder flux I normally use. It is not what I used in this video but I do use this pen style more often.
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This is a follow up to my last Bally Star Trek pinball machine restoration post. As you know I was sent the wrong plastics set by CPR. They were kind enough to expedite the correct set along with a paid return shipping label for the wrong set. In this video I review why I wanted the reproduction set and show them off in detail and in play. Video and photos below.
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For about a year now I have been having problems with my DeWALT DC011 radio combo 18v battery pack charger. The problem has been getting worse over time to the point that now the radio fails to work almost 100% of the time. Strange issue is that if I don’t leave the radio plugged in it seem to work for a few hours once plugged in to use it, but if it is left plugged in and turn off the radio fails to play any audio or will play for a few minutes then brown out. I suspect a power issue with voltage regulation or an audio amplifier issue being caused by overheating. In this video I will tear-down and investigate the failure ultimately deciding to build a custom regulator circuit to replace the failing 6v regulator IC for the audio amplifier board.
<video Part 1 of 2>
Desolder iron I used in video
My older product review of the iPhone 5 Flir adapter.