Ham Radio

26th March
written by Todd Harrison

In this video I show a few things to test before adding an “On The Air” LED indicator to a Kenwood TS-50 ham radio transmitter. I tested for the best brightness of the LED and lowest current using a ganged restore test box I built. The LED was then mounted in my Kenwood MC-60 desktop microphone.

Fluke micro probes

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9th March
written by Todd Harrison

The buttons in my Kenwood TS-50S ham radio started falling out when the foam inside started getting old. The foam was the only thing holding the buttons in so I used jewelry repair rings from  Michaels Store to clamp around the base of the buttons inside the bezel face plate which then holds the buttons in nicely yet lets them have full travel and good tactical feel.

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3rd March
written by Todd Harrison
In this video I put up a 20 meter band Delta Sky Loop Antenna with lighting arrestor to use with my HackRF One software defined radio.
I then demonstrate good reception from all over the USA as far away as 1500 miles using SDR Console software version 2 by SDR-Radio
I was able to use CW, AM, FM (narrow & wide) modes on HF and VHF without problems. The software is a bit difficult but I cover some tips in the video that worked for me.
My sky loop antenna was ~128feet long tuned for 1.2:1 SWR at 14.07 MHz
Hoping to use the HackRF for PSK and JT9 at 30 mW TX

Amazon store links:
100 ft RG8X COAX CABLE for CB / Ham Radio w/ PL259 Connectors
LIGHTNING ARRESTOR for CB or Ham Base Antennas
MIG Welding Wire, 4043, .030, Spool
Talented Balun by James Sanders (AG6IF)
Search for AG6IF on http://www.qrz.com
SDRConsole (V2)
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